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  • Newsletter March 2025
    Updated On: Feb 28, 2025


    As I sat down to write my March newsletter article, I couldn’t help thinking about all the activity going on up at our State Capitol Building.  My mind raced in the direction toward all the individuals who have committed themselves to protect and defend our labor values and our way of life.  As many of you are aware, a Right to Work (for less) Bill has reared its ugly head, once again, and has made us band together, united, to fight like hell for our livelihoods.  I recently was reading an article from the AFL-CIO, and it discussed “Messaging for Working People.”  In a nutshell, the article was about how to improve communications and inspire people to send sustainable messages full of substance.  It said, “The job of a good message is not to say what’s popular; it is to make popular what needs to be said.”  I thought to myself, wow, now that is the truth.  Anyway, I believe working people like our membership deserve to make more than a decent living, everyone deserves a decent life.  We need to continue working towards more than just earning a paycheck but to work to sustain our families.  Our voices need to reflect our values and therefore motivate one another to work harder for a better life.  Together as working people, I’m confident that we can reach long-term goals of establishing higher wages, safer working conditions, and living better lives.  Solidarity with one another and holding each other accountable will only improve lifestyles and set the kind of standards the IBEW is all about.  If we can learn to send messages that are more personal, more concrete, and more active, then I believe we can and will improve how we communicate with one another.  I’m committed to doing a better job of effectively communicating and strengthening our total solidarity.  However, it takes teamwork, A LOT OF TEAMWORK, to make the necessary changes to prosper and grow. Are you with me?  Let’s go!

    In Unity,

    Scott Klungland



    “Black and white.” “No grey area.” “It is clearly written.” “Everyone needs to go by the book.” In the short time I have spent in this position I have heard these phrases and many very similar time and time and time and time again.  Two people can read almost any sentence and come up with two different ways to interpret the words that make up the sentences.  I would say this is just my opinion but the longer I am in this position the more I think it is a fact.  For instance, if someone said to me, “you look nice today”, I would say thank you and feel good that I look nice today.  Now flip it and I tell someone else “you look nice today” and watch the mood change and the response “just today and not any other days?”  Is that a poor example?  How about “Work will commence at 8 AM sharp”.  No grey area there!?  Just think about it for a second and try to find a different way than just what popped into your head to interpret the 100% BLACK AND WHITE sentence. In that sentence, even if you work for the same company in a different town than other coworkers, that can mean many different things.  Some people consider starting trucks as work, others think stepping out of your personal vehicle starts work, some figure that logging on to your computer or actually turning wrenches at 8 AM sharp is work.  The word that is in question here is “work”. What does the company you work for consider work?  What do you consider work?  Guaranteed, the answers are close but not the same, and everyone everywhere does it by the book!  Does anyone care to interpret what “commence” means in that statement!?  I bet we could come up with a few different ways to define commence!

    Your Brother,

    Kyle Hintz

    (406) 565-3250   



    Local 44 would like to congratulate the following members for achieving Journeyman status:

    Balue Chapman – Journeyman Lineman

    Travis O’Leary – URD Gas Tech Operator

    Hunter Thomas – Journeyman Lineman

    Great job and best wishes for a great career!


    As I sit here preparing to write my monthly letter and staring out the window watching it snow, all I can think about is when is spring going to come. So being a person that tries to have positive thoughts to bring positive outcome let’s talk about something that most of us enjoy doing in nicer weather.  That’s right Golf, we have already scheduled the 25th annual Stan Dupree Golf Tournament for August 16th with a return to Fairmont Hot Springs and Resort.  Jim Leding and I are working on getting items for another raffle and hope to have them ready to go and start selling by mid-March.  This tournament takes a lot of effort from people behind the scenes.  So, if anyone is willing to help, please do not hesitate to contact me and we can discuss where help is needed. Until then, please save the date and I will be sending out more information as the time gets closer.

    A quick update on what is going on at the legislature.  There has been a lot of talk about the much-needed transmission lines in our state and the ways the lawmakers can help with pushing jobs not just to the finish line but to the starting blocks.  A bill passed the House floor the other day with a 100-0 vote that helps prevent frivolous lawsuits against energy projects.  This is a huge win and incredibly positive to see the two parties come together and do the right thing to help these major projects get started.  The Senate is preparing to announce their version of the Right to Work bill, and it will be in committee very soon.  The House has not been able to entice anyone to carry their version so that is good news so far.  We will be sending out emails to everyone letting them know when your help is needed to come to the Capitol and show solidarity to fight off RTW once again. So please check your inbox regularly.

    Your Brother,

    Boe Shuman


    Local 44 would like to congratulate the following members who have retired from the trade:

    Robert Crowley

    Duane Mellinger

    Best wishes for a long and happy retirement!


    Local 44 mourns the loss of the following member:

    Charles “Joe” Pence – Groundman – passed away 1/25/25

    Our sincere condolences go out to his family and friends.


    Great Falls                   Mar. 03, 2025             6:00 PM          Great Falls Labor Temple

    Havre                          Mar. 04, 2025             6:00 PM          Elks Lodge     

    Lewistown                  Mar. 05, 2025             5:30 PM          NWE Service Center 

    Billings                        Mar. 06, 2025             4:30 PM          NWE Service Center

    Line Construction       Mar. 08, 2025             10:00 AM        Helena Labor Temple

    Helena                         Mar. 17, 2025             5:00 PM          Helena Labor Temple

    Bozeman                     Mar. 18, 2025             6:00 PM          Bozeman Labor Temple

    Missoula                      Mar. 19, 2025             6:00 PM          Missoula Labor Temple

    Butte                           Mar. 20, 2025             5:30 PM          Local 44 Office

  • IBEW 44

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