Happy February to everyone. One common occurrence so far to start off 2025 is the need for all members to secure their current CBA that you work under and familiarize yourselves with that agreement. I’ve received various phone calls in the past month asking about what is allowed and what is not allowed under certain work conditions. My answer was starting to become eerily the same hence why I decided to mention it here. It is your responsibility and obligation to know the specifics of your contract. Yes, we here at the office can and will assist you but ultimately, it’s your responsibility to abide by and adhere to your respective CBA. If you need or want clarity, please don’t hesitate to ask one of us.
Okay, on another note, we recently finished negotiations in Shelby with Marias River Electric Cooperative. I’d first off like to thank our Local 44 negotiating team of Kyle, Ben, Abbie, and Justin for their successful efforts and participation. It was a job well done and more importantly a job done with respect & class. The MREC Board of Directors and management team is a high-quality employer and I’m very grateful for our amicable partnership.
Next on our negotiating agenda is the continued preparation for the Dave Gates Generating Station members. We have three different dates scheduled and locked in with NWE. Negotiations will commence in March and hopefully won’t take too much time. However, these will be first contract bargaining sessions so there is a lot of material to discuss and work through. I’m optimistic that the negotiations will go smoothly, and our newest members will see what representation looks like.
I hope your New Year is off to a good start and as a reminder to always work safe and be well.
In Unity,
Scott Klungland
I used to be addicted to soap, but I’m clean now! That’s right, dad jokes, I call them rad jokes. I felt I should open with something light to ease the tone of what I am feeling compelled to write about this month. It is controversial to many, scary to some, and the odds are that it has affected every single one of you reading this letter. Suicide! I have talked with people who view this as a selfish, self-centered act focused only on oneself with no consideration given to any of the survivors who will be affected. Other people view it as an illness of the brain. Anxiety, depression, lack of sun light, not enough exercise, pressure at home, pressure at work, drugs, alcohol, the list goes on and on of possible reasons/excuses people seem to have while this subject is on their mind. Maybe it is a combination of a few of these listed and a few that are not, I don’t know. One thing I’m sure of is that it is different for all of us, and no one can know how you really feel inside but you. I always hear that we are supposed to look for signs and keep an eye out for symptoms in people we are around most often and have the courage to ask the person if they intend to hurt themselves. Studies show that if you ask someone if they are considering killing themselves, that it doesn’t do anything to prompt the action or plant some sort of seed that may grow and ultimately lead to the person committing the act. What it does do is open the floor for conversation if the person feels they need to confide in someone and get their thoughts straight and maybe seek the help that they need. That is all fine and well and I’m all for frequent Brother checks, but my ask in writing this is for the people going through this right now is to have the courage and strength to reach out to someone who may be able to help you, that love you, or even a complete stranger that you feel compelled to share your story with. Heck, who knows that person may be in the same boat as you are and need an outlet as well. Please don’t let the unwelcome intrusive thoughts that may run through your head for whatever reason win! Fight with everything you have and remember that someone for sure loves you and will be extremely sad to see you go. Find the courage to share your story and ride the storm out. This is a tough time of year according to studies so keep checking in on yourself and others! Now let’s end it with another dad joke just to ease the mood again. I ordered chicken and an egg online, I’ll let you know! Shout out to my fingers, I can count on all of them!
Your Life is important,
Kyle Hintz
Local 44 would like to congratulate the following members for achieving Journeyman status:
Garrett Haley – Journeyman Lineman
Joey Happle – URD Gas Tech Operator
Great job and best wishes for a great career!
Well, here we go! The 2025 State of Montana legislative session has begun. Even though the session has just started the attacks on the Hill towards labor are already in full motion. The newest versions of “Right to Work” are in draft mode and will be most likely in committee by the time everyone is reading this article. The group we have working daily at the Capitol keep their eyes open to everything happening and will let us know when the time comes for all of us to be present and use our voices to fight against the threats. On a positive note, there are a few bills being presented that could be beneficial to some of our members, one interesting bill is proposing “paid sick leave”. For our members that do not have P.T.O. in their agreements this one could help with compensation when time off is needed for them or their family members. Some other very interesting conversations are happening when it comes to Transmission work in our State and upcoming projects that will hopefully create work for our members. We are keeping our eyes on these with the hope that the lawmakers see and understand the necessity for these projects. So please for the next few months it is very important that we all stay educated about what is going on. And if you can contact your legislator please do so and talk to them about the importance of being pro-organized labor!
If you would like to receive updates by mail or e-mail, please contact the Hall to make sure they have the correct information.
Your Brother,
Boe Shuman
At the beginning of each year the Hall sends out membership cards to the “BA” members who are on monthly dues deduct from their employer. These cards are printed directly from the dues program, so make sure to contact the Hall if there is a mistake with your card. Also, many cards get returned every year for being mailed to a bad address, so call (406) 723-3203 or email us at to update your address if you have moved.
Local 44 mourns the loss of the following retired members:
John Zacha – Gas Tech Operator – passed away 11/4/24
Steven Wills – Tree Trimmer Foreman - passed away 12/29/24
Our sincere condolences go out to the family and friends of these Brothers.
Great Falls Feb. 03, 2025 6:00 PM Great Falls Labor Temple
Havre Feb. 04, 2025 6:00 PM Elks Lodge
Lewistown Feb. 05, 2025 5:30 PM NWE Service Center
Billings Feb. 06, 2025 4:30 PM NWE Service Center
Helena Feb. 17, 2025 5:00 PM Helena Labor Temple
Bozeman Feb. 18, 2025 6:00 PM Bozeman Labor Temple
Missoula Feb. 19, 2025 6:00 PM Missoula Labor Temple
Butte Feb. 20, 2025 5:30 PM Local 44 Office