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  • Newsletter July 2024
    Posted On: Jul 08, 2024


    Brothers and Sisters, happy July as we break over the mid-year hump of 2024.  I’m grateful and pleased to report we have secured new contracts with Asplundh Tree Service, Wright Tree Service, Davey Tree Surgery, and Associated Arborists.  Unfortunately, the negotiating process for our tree membership has been extremely long and grueling this go around.  However, and as always seems to be the case now, I’ve learned so much throughout these past 7 months of negotiating.  The increased participation and involvement from our professional Tree members have been awesome!  I can’t thank enough my negotiators for their perseverance and steadfastness while we navigated our way through the process.  Again, whenever I called upon our tree membership for a zoom meeting to discuss an offer or a particular direction, you guys stepped up and obliged tenfold.  Also, I realize we had some tense and stressful conversations but, in the end, we stayed united and completed the mission.  You guys taught me so much about being okay with disagreements all the while staying focused on the result.  I know and believe, moving forward, we as a bargaining unit will be much more engaged and together as a team.  I for one am excited at the prospects and direction we are pursuing for this group.  My expectation level has jumped up dramatically and the relationships that have been forged give me tremendous hope for a bright future.  To all our IBEW 44, 532, and 768 Tree Arborists, please continue to work safely and provide your Employers with that outstanding product day in and day out.  You guys are real pros at what you do, and your talents and efforts are recognized.  Take care of one another on the right of way and away from the jobsite. 

    In closing, please keep an eye on your personal emails, and on this monthly newsletter, for future group meeting dates.  Just because our current negotiations have completed doesn’t mean we can exhale for the next 3 years.  It’s never too soon to start the planning and discussion process for next time.  Be well everyone.

    In Unity,

    Scott Klungland



    It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.  The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

    Theodore Roosevelt Paris, France on 23 April 1910

    This has been on the front of my mind in the past and once again during recent events it has come up again and I figured it was worth sharing.

    Your Brother,

    Kyle Hintz

    (406) 565-3250



    Local 44 would like to congratulate the following members for achieving Journeyman status:

    Jacob Hemstrom – Journeyman Lineman

    Daniel Schrade – Journeyman Lineman

    Alex Smith – Journeyman Lineman

    Great job and best wishes for a great career!


    Local 44 would like to congratulate the following members who have retired from the trade:

    Ronald Davis

    Boyd Finnicum

    Lee Hersrud

    Steven Johnson

    John Moos

    Sheldon Neumiller

    Best wishes for a long and happy retirement!


    Well, here we go, at the time of my writing this, June is halfway over.  We have 6 members on J.L. Book 1 out of work list and 8 on Book 2.  There is one standing call with calls coming in weekly.  So, I’m guessing at the time of everyone reading this the books will be pretty much empty and even more standing calls.  ELM and Tru-Check are hiring and putting people to work as fast as they can.  Our Tree contractors are ramping up and in need of help as well.  I am getting calls from individuals that have just graduated from High School asking how they get into the union and get a job.  To answer their questions, I have been trying to direct them in the ways of helping the companies in our area to fulfill their manpower needs.  Northwestern Energy and the R.E.A.’s are well into their process of the fire mitigation projects which will be creating even more work that will need to be done.  It has been somewhat of a slow start to the year but I’m thinking that is about to change in a drastic way, so let’s all get ready for the ride.

    The Montana Lineman’s Rodeo is looking good for this year with it being moved to Townsend, MT at the Broadwater County Fairgrounds.  They are having a work party on the weekend of July 12th through the 14th, and anyone interested in helping out is more than welcome to show up and give a helping hand.  The rodeo weekend will start off on Friday July 19th with some festivities and candle lighting ceremony and then the competition starts Saturday morning of the 20th.  They are still in need of donations for the live and silent auctions if anyone is willing to donate.  There is also still room for teams to be added and you can sign up in person on Friday the 19th.  For more information you can visit the website at www.mtlra.org or call Dave at 406-207-3011.

    Your Brother,

    Boe Shuman

    (406) 533-8170 bshuman@ibew44.org


    Local 44 mourns the loss of the following members:

    Ryan Willett – Retro Tech – passed away April 2024

    Robert Crystal – Retired Journeyman Meterman – passed away June 2024

    Our sincere condolences go out to the family and friends of these Brothers.


    The Renew Committee has raffle tickets available for purchase for $20 each.  The drawing will be held on August 24, 2024 and you need not be present to win.  Prizes are listed below:

    Quilt donated by Jan Leding, Liquor Basket donated by Bob & Mallory McCormick, Wildlife Print Framed donated by Doug Tate, Odyssey White Hot Mallet Putter donated by Shane Bykonen & Jimmy Lane, Lone Mountain Cooler donated by Jim Leding, Murdoch’s Gift Card donated by Murdoch’s.


    We will be holding one General Unit Meeting in the months of June, July & August, on video, via the Zoom App.  You can easily access Zoom by downloading the app onto your home computer, laptop, iPad, tablet or cell phone.  Please see below and use the login info to access Zoom and attend the meeting.  The call-in number to join by phone is (253) 215-8782.

    Executive Board will be scheduled throughout the summer.  Have a good and safe summer!

    July 23, 2024              6:00 PM          ID – 842 0969 3841                Passcode – 301103



    From the Business Manager                                                                                                   Front Page

    News to Use                                                                                                                            Page Two

    News to Use Continued                                                                                                          Page Three

    Unit Meeting Schedule                                                                                                           Page Four

  • IBEW 44

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